Text to speech

Ai assistant for text-to-speech conversion

Recognize and easily convert text to speech. With many outstanding advantages for users:

  • Vertify

    Fast and easy conversion

  • Vertify

    Diverse voices, languages ​​and regions

  • Vertify

    Natural reading voice

  • Vertify

    Quick response


Uses voice recognition and speech synthesis (Text-to-Speech - TTS) technology to interact with users over the phone, make calls, and handle requests or tasks in an automated manner.

  • Vertify

    Support and handle customer requests: confirm appointments, provide service information, update personal information,...

  • Vertify

    Automate processes: make changes, remind appointments, conduct surveys and collect feedback from customers

  • Vertify

    Improve customer experience, increase efficiency, save costs


Voicebot, Virtual Assistant

It is a technology application that uses voice to communicate and perform tasks or provide services to users. With many outstanding advantages:

  • Vertify

    Convenience and Natural Communication: Voicebot virtual assistant allows users to interact naturally and conveniently through voice, suitable for situations when a keyboard or screen cannot be used.

  • Vertify

    24/7 Support and Productivity Boost: It provides round-the-clock continuous service, helping to manage work, schedules, and daily tasks efficiently, easing the burden of work.

  • Vertify

    Improve User Experience and Save Costs: Voicebots create a more pleasant and intuitive user experience, while helping reduce personnel costs by automating many tasks and requests.


Diverse languages and accents

  • Vertify

    Supports multiple languages ​​and dialects, making content accessible to users from different countries and cultures

  • Vertify

    Offers multiple voice options with different styles


Easy cross-platform integration

  • Vertify

    Can be integrated into mobile applications, websites, smart devices to provide services and support cross-platform

  • Vertify

    Provide SDK that allows developers to easily integrate into their software and systems


Enhance user experience


Providing information in audio form makes information more accessible to everyone.


Using AI technology to create a more natural, smooth and easy-to-listen voice that will not annoy users


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